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Dora Lewis

TrancENDancE ArenA ep.134 with Snatt & Vix, MAARTEN SIKKE [GuestMix]

TrancENDancE ArenA ep.134 with Snatt & Vix, MAARTEN SIKKE [GuestMix]


In this week at TrancENDance ArenA we won’t have a quiet Sunday and you won’t leave your radio on low volume, because we have prepared you a first hour of techo beats and space sounds, a rhythm which will keep you up even after the show is over. With an aggressive moderate hearing we head towards the second hour where we find Maarten Sikke, a young DJ and producer from Oradea, which has something to say through his guestmix.

So Sunday you’re expected to get synchronized with us for 2 hours of trance & progressive with Snatt & Vix from 18:00 on Vibe FM and online streaming on [ ]


In aceasta saptamana la TrancENDancE ArenA, nu vom avea  parte de o duminica linistita si nici nu veti putea lasa radio-ul la  volum redus, pentru ca v-am pregatit  o prima ora cu beat-uri techno si  sound-uri spatiale, un ritm care va va tine in priza chiar si pana dupa  terminarea emisiunii. Cu o agresivitate auditiva moderata ne  indreptam spre ora a doua unde il gasim pe Maarten Sikke, un tanar dj si  producator din Oradea, care are ceva de spus prin guestmixul sau.

Asa ca, duminica sunteti asteptati sa ne sincronizam cu totii pentru  doua ore de trance & progressive cu Snatt & Vix, de la ora 18:00  pe frecventa Vibe FM si online streaming pe [ ]

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